Fabian Cares: Meet Mats
On our Fabian Cares page, you can get to know the Fabians! We tell you about the good deeds in our day-to-day life that bring us joy, and how you can help together with various charities. We share our tips for doing things in Helsinki as well!
MEET OUR STAFF: Our Font Office Manager Mats
Who are you and what do you do on a daily basis?
I am Mats Lindfors, Concierge and Front office Manager at Hotel Fabian. Hotel Fabian has been like my second home for 10 years. I have been able to influence and create the service concept of our cosy hotel, and the decade has been filled with many adventures. I am in charge of the fluency of my small and dedicated reception team and I am the one who knows what is going on in the house.
I am in close contact with all departments related to our hotel operations, from maintenance to breakfast. In addition, I work as part of the hotel management team and come up with ideas for commercial operations. Thus, my job description is rather diverse, every day I exchange ideas with people from different departments and help them solve different situations. I work almost daily at the customer interface as well, and make sure that guests enjoy their stay here and sometimes they need tips on the sights or restaurants in the city.
What kind of things make you feel good?
Animals have always been important to me and when we were young we always had pets at home. I have had cats at an adult age as well and have been able to follow their playful spirit since they were kittens. I heard a few years ago that the number of abandoned cats since the summer had risen to nearly the same level as it was in the 90s. I thought that we here at Fabian could help those who are doing important work for abandoned cats. The Animal Welfare Finland association SEY then connected us with the Loviisa Cat House. We have been collecting Christmas gifts for homeless cats for three years now and it has been delightful to see people from the surrounding area bringing gifts here.
What is the best thing about working at Fabian?
I used to work in the hospitality industry at the same time I got acquainted with hotel activities. The international atmosphere of the hotel took hold and has held its grip all these years. I have stayed at Hotel Fabian for so long because I like being able to influence many things in a small company. I really enjoy having time to talk to our guests and hear their stories as well.
What do you recommend to do in Helsinki?
The first thing that comes to mind is sauna and salmon soup – but not necessarily enjoyed at the same time! The answer depends on what they looking for: if you are enthusiastic about architecture and art, then the answer will be slightly different than if you are more interested in the hustle and bustle of the city and the urban landscape. I have lived in Helsinki for approximately 20 years and have enjoyed it. My favourite places are scattered all over Helsinki. Places close to nature in Eastern Helsinki, such as the park scenery near Aino Akten's villa, are really nice. There are good record stores in the Hakaniemi and Sörnäinen area, if you happen to be a record collector. If you are looking for live music, then Tavastia or Kulttuuritalo is a great place to visit. In my opinion, Helsinki is best explored by bicycle, so the scenery changes easily and you can feel the city best. During the summer, the hotel's bicycles are in heavy use!
Tell us about your most memorable joyful encounter with a hotel guest!
The exchange of greetings with regular customers brings joy to every working day. One memorable situation in the early days of my career was approximately 18 years ago when we had a musician as a guest who was in a hurry for a gig and his boots had broken. It was late and the shops were not open. There was a souvenir shop in the hotel where I worked at the time, where I went to get an insole made of sheep's wool. A little bit of tape and a new insole were sturdy enough that we got the boot in order and he was able to get up on stage!
What was your #GoodDeedOfTheDay today?
I always aim to take into account the people I meet during the day, whether they are neighbours, store personnel, guests at the hotel or colleagues. Smiling and greeting go a long way!

Mats Lindfors
Front Office Manager
Hotel Fabian
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